Our solutions are based on the fact that it can be adapted to the specific requirements of the customer, without having to program anything. This is not a boxed solution that can not be changed or can be changed, but for a lot of money.
Contact us and we will be happy to present our solutions
including including live demo. It is possible to present any of
our offered solution which will be closest to your requirements.
Do not limit yourself on only one type of device. Our
solution works on computers, tablets and mobile phones.
Because of that you have important data wherever you go.
Faclity management includes passport, HelpDesk with sophisticated Work Flow, repetitive activities, relatioin to costs and budget, property inventory, contacts evidence etc.
We are trying to find an ideal way between complexity of our solution and individual processes and simplicity of work for end
user. Everyone sees in the system only what he needs and all available views can be additionally customized. The system
includes a comfortable interface for administrators for majority of basic settings.
In this solution we offer specialized water-related application, which are used for supply points register, planning abstraction and abstraction of water samples. It is an accredited soluton suitable for immediate use.
Offered solution is ready to use in two variants. Indivitually including supply points register, planning abstraction of water samples and
water samples abstraction. With connection to the LIMS system, where the data are exchanged between our solution and LIMS system.
In addition to the common attributes there can be taken photographs, GPS coordinates, producers expression, etc.
Solution for building and construction companies, developers, but also for small entrepreneurs, who either within their business or through subcontractors perform any work that need to be documented.
The solution allows to establish a new commision, add its structure and then add records to it such as: passport,
documentation, work safety, etc. Sent data can be processed using a web application incl. support for reports, workflow, etc.
Acces to the web application may provided also to subcontractors and other participant.
Passportisation of road network elements, defect register, conducting inspections, register and controlling of guarantees, etc. All information can be send right from place of discovery.
This solution can be used by companies from road management area such as road maintanance, construction, road signs, road inspections, etc.
The gradual development of this solution and the cooperation in the field of education was a "System of management control", which uses facility management modules customized to the needs of individual schools.
This solution includes among other things definiton of appropriate WorkFlow and user roles such as transactor or budget administrator,
which are authorized to approve individual requests. Approved requests are digitally signed by approving person and they contains
a timestamp. Data in the system are then used as the basis for financial or other control.
Solution for municipalities and cities designed to monitor waste management. The application contains register of all collected waste, reports, collection containers, households, citizens, contract generator etc.
Innovative solution, which brings motivation for citizens of municipalities and cities to separate waste, saves time and finances in waste management because it provides tools to register and evaluation all collected waste. Our solution doesn’t require special expensive equipment or weighing equipment. We guarantee also low costs and undemanding requirements on information system operation.
Passport, HelpDesk whit sophisticated Work Flow, repetitive activities, finances, budget, inventory, contacts, reports, etc.
EVOM systems for supply points register, planning abstraction and abstraction of water samples using mobile devices.
The Facility Management solution was adjusted for school purposes and was named “System of management control”.
Passportisation of road network elements, defect register, conducting inspections, guarantees, etc.
Solution for building and construction companies, developers, but also for small entrepreneurs, who either within their business or through subcontractors perform any work that need to be documented.
Solution for waste management including registr of waste containers, households, citizens, waste collections with detail information, contract generator etc. We support barcode, QR code and RFID. Both vehicle or hand reader are supported.
A solution designed as a tool suitable for cities and municipalities that can provide their citizens with the ability to report defects using both web and mobile applications.
Why limit yourselves to one type of device? Our solution offers usage not only on computers but also on tablets and smartphones. Thanks to that it is possible to fully use other benefits of each device such as camera, GPS, voice recording etc. We are fully aware of where the current trends in the development of IT are heading and we try as much as possible to keep up with it. We offer own information system called T-IS, which is fully customizable and can be adapted to various requirements.
We are open to new opportunities and are happy to establish cooperation within any other area that could use our solutions. Do not hesitate to contact us regarding the meeting where we can duscuss possible cooperation and its further conditions.