Tectronik s.r.o.


Reporting defects by citizens

A solution designed as a tool suitable for cities and municipalities that can provide their citizens with the ability to report defects using both web and mobile applications.

An effective tool for involving citizens in the administration of your city and municipality. Why not use the potential of hundreds of active citizens who are not indifferent to the things around them? Take advantage of citizens’ involvement in improving your coty or municipality. Just provide citizens with a suitable tool to report problems around them and at the same time stay informed about the state of their solution. Take advantage of mobile devices that everyone has almost always at hand to locate the problem, take photo, classify and then send data to a unified system.

Application example: www.brnaciprobrno.cz

Kontaktní informace

Tectronik s.r.o.
Kroftova 45, 616 00 Brno
+420 776 264 914

Máte zájem o náše řešení? Contact us

Cooperation or partnership

We are open to new opportunities and are happy to establish cooperation within any other area that could use our solutions. Do not hesitate to contact us regarding the meeting where we can duscuss possible cooperation and its further conditions.

Contact information

Tectronik s.r.o.
Zeyerova 2142/7, 616 00 Brno
