We offer specialized applications in the water-related field, which serve to record the sampling points, sample planning and taking samples of water. It is an accredited solution suitable for immediate use.
Within the water industry we cooperate with Vodárenskou akciovou společnosti a.s.. Offered solutions are ready for deployment in two variants. Individually including passport sampling points, planning of samples and taking samples using tablets or mobile phones. Second variant is with the connection to the LIMS system, enabling transfer of data between the LIMS and our solution. In addition to the usual attributes there can be taken photographs, GPS coordinates, expression of producers, etc.
EVOMMobile applicationMobile application is used for entering data about sampling points, its condition and for entering data of water samples. In addition of filling predefined form there can be taken photographs, GPS coordinates, voice records, date and time of taking sample (beginning and end of taking sample), distinction of min. five matrices (drinking water, waste water, sewage, etc.), temperature, pH, sample parameters, etc.. Mobile application also includes expression of producers and all documents neccesary for taking a water sample. Aplication for PCApplication for PC is easy for use and allows comfortable work with data. Data are sent from mobile devices and users can process them here. It includes:
Sample point databaseDatabase is divided into sampling point passport and records about its condition. It allow Umožňuje mj. vytvoření plánu odběrů a jeho odeslání do mobilních prostředků spolu s údaji o odběrných místech |
EVOM LS – option with link to LIMS (LabSys system)This product is made for LIMS users who need a link between our solution and LIMS system. It allows data exchange so the plans for sample taking are created in LIMS system, synchronized with our mobile (PC) application and then synchronized back to LIMS. |
We are open to new opportunities and are happy to establish cooperation within any other area that could use our solutions. Do not hesitate to contact us regarding the meeting where we can duscuss possible cooperation and its further conditions.